Default configuration
This is the default configuration of the script, all informations are gived to you in comment directly in the config, if you want more help, go to our discord server !
Our discord server:
Config = {}
Config.Locale = GetConvar("lyre_carwash:locale", "en") -- Which locale you cant to use : en/fr/it/ja/nl/zh-CN
Config.bridge = "ESX" -- Which bridge you want to use. Available : ESX/QBCORE (Only support latest version of these frameworks)
Config.markers = {
distances = { show = 10, use = 2 }, -- [table] → The markers distances settings
style = {
usage = {
type = 36,
size = { x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.8 },
color = { r = 50, g = 50, b = 150, a = 150 },
management = {
type = 29,
size = { x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.8 },
color = { r = 150, g = 50, b = 50, a = 150 },
Config.blips = { sprite = 100, colour = 3, scale = 1.0, isShortRange = true } -- [table] → Change the blip style, label can be found in locale files
Config.defaultSellPrice = 50000 -- [integer] → Set the default price to buy a washing station
Config.defaultUsagePrice = 100 -- [integer] → Set the default price tu use a washing station
Config.usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 99999 } -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
Config.sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 } -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
Config.currency = { symbol = "$", position = "left" } -- [table] → Change the currency symbol and his position (e.g : 100円 will be { symbol = "円", position = "right" })
Config.maxWashTime = 60 * 1000 -- [integer] → The max washing time in ms. The washing time varies depending on whether the car is dirty or not
Config.saveLogs = true -- [boolean] → Show or not car wash saving in server console
Config.checkForUpdates = true -- [boolean] → Check if the resource is up to date on resource start
Config.Locations = {
["carwash_1"] = {
management = vec3(-703.49926757813, -924.42840576172, 19.013896942139),
use = vec3(-699.86163330078, -933.56628417969, 19.013896942139),
useHeading = 0.57041507959365,
["carwash_2"] = {
management = vec3(43.887943267822, -1394.6296386719, 29.977924346924),
use = vec3(33.566570281982, -1391.8355712891, 29.365459442139),
useHeading = 90.18025970458984,
Last updated