[FREE] Money Truck DLC
Config = {}
-- [string] → The locale you want to use. If the locale does not exist, the script will use the default locale.
Config.locale = GetConvar("lyre_illegalmissions:locale", "en")
-- [string] → The bridge you want to use. You can put a valid bridge or put "auto_detect" to let the script choose the best bridge for you.
Config.bridge = "auto_detect"
-- [boolean] → If you want the script to check for updates. If the script is not up to date, it will print a message in the console.
Config.checkForUpdates = true
-- [string] → The system you want to use to interact with the locations. You can put "marker" or "target"
Config.interactSystem = GetConvar("lyre_illegalmissions:target", "marker")
-- [number] → The chance of the mission to be available (0.0 to 1.0)
Config.chance = 0.5
-- [table] → The requirements for the mission
Config.requiredRepuation = 300
-- [table] → The requirements for the mission
Config.requiredCops = 0
-- [number] → The base money gain for the mission
Config.baseMoneyGain = 10000
-- [number] → The base money loss (deposit) for the mission
Config.baseMoneyLoss = 2000
-- [number] → The minimum number of team members required for the mission
Config.minimumTeamMembers = 1
-- [number] → The base money loss for the mission
Config.baseReputationGain = 15
-- [number] → The base reputation gain for the mission
Config.baseReputationLoss = 15
-- [string] → The vehicle that will be used for the mission
Config.stockadeVehicles = {
-- [table] → The peds for the security that will be used for the mission
Config.securityPeds = {
-- [table] → The weapons for the security that will be used for the mission (Recommand to use weapon that can be used inside a vehicle)
Config.securityPedsWeapons = {
"WEAPON_REVOLVER", -- The common weapon in reality for cash transport security
"WEAPON_MICROSMG", -- Just if you want more difficulty lmao
-- [table] → The locations where the money truck will spawn
Config.avalaibleSpawnLocations = {
vec4(408.25863647461, -720.32733154297, 29.276403427124, 0.023647733032703),
vec4(148.02288818359, -584.67352294922, 43.996410369873, 71.043556213379),
vec4(-353.53771972656, -649.76257324219, 31.81566619873, 89.217628479004),
vec4(-82.059913635254, -176.11860656738, 50.958206176758, 345.43707275391),
vec4(-278.69110107422, 271.19146728516, 89.596572875977, 101.0306930542),
vec4(-992.59387207031, 47.388156890869, 51.547985076904, 204.15341186523),
vec4(-1632.2225341797, -544.17193603516, 34.014362335205, 129.21629333496),
vec4(-1246.4306640625, -1333.6821289062, 3.9926407337189, 196.04699707031),
vec4(1048.9503173828, -2291.2971191406, 30.458017349243, 352.55920410156),
vec4(1226.1313476562, -1380.8228759766, 35.271903991699, 184.49011230469),
-- [boolean] → If you want the peds to be agressive when a member of the mission is shooting
Config.makePedsAgressiveOnShoot = true
-- [boolean] → If you want the peds to be agressive when a member of the mission is aiming
Config.makePedsAgressiveOnAiming = true
-- [number] → The time the player has to grab all the money (in seconds). If there is more than one player, the time will be divided by the number of players that are currently grabbing the money.
Config.timeToGrabMoney = 15 -- 15 seconds
-- [number] → The time the player has to complete the mission (in seconds). It's recommanded to set a high value because the player can be interrupted by the police of your server.
Config.avalaibleTime = 20 * 60 -- 20 minutes
Last updated