Default configuration
This is the default configuration of the script, all informations are gived to you in comment directly in the config, if you want more help, go to our discord server !
Our discord server:
Config = {}
Config.Locale = GetConvar("lyre_fuel:locale", "en") -- Which locale you cant to use : en/fr/it/es/de/ja/nl/zh-CN
Config.bridge = "ESX" -- Which bridge you want to use. Available : ESX/QBCORE (Only support latest version of these frameworks)
Config.saveLogs = true -- [boolean] → Show or not car wash saving in server console
Config.checkForUpdates = true -- [boolean] → Check if the resource is up to date on resource start
Config.usageAmount = { -- [table] → Fuel amount removed every seconds based on RPM
[1.0] = 0.10,
[0.9] = 0.09,
[0.8] = 0.08,
[0.7] = 0.07,
[0.6] = 0.06,
[0.5] = 0.05,
[0.4] = 0.04,
[0.3] = 0.03,
[0.2] = 0.02,
[0.1] = 0.01,
[0.0] = 0.00,
Config.blipUpdater = {
enabled = true, -- [boolean] → Do you want to use blips that update when the station is out of stock?
useBlipNameExtensions = true, -- [boolean] → Do you want to use the extension of the blip name when the station has no more stock (ex "Fuel station - No fuel")
useBlipColor = true, -- [boolean] → Do you want the blip color to change when the station is out of stock?
blipColor = { nostock = 39, selling = 2 }, -- [table] → The blip color if "useBlipColor" is true
Config.specificTypes = {
["_blacklist"] = { -- DO NOT CHANGE THE KEY OF THE BLACKLIST TYPE (these vehicles will be not affected by the fuel system)
"bmx", "cruiser", "fixter", "scorcher", "tribike", "tribike2", "tribike3"
["electric_cars"] = { -- [table] → List of electric cars
"voltic", "voltic2", "virtue", "tezeract", "surge", "raiden", "powersurge",
"omnisegt", "neon", "coureur", "khamelion", "imorgon", "iwagen", "dilettante",
"dilettante2", "cyclone", "buffalo5", "inductor", "inductor2",
["boats"] = { -- [table] → List boats
"dinghy", "dinghy2", "dinghy3", "dinghy4", "jetmax", "marquis", "seashark",
"seashark2", "seashark3", "speeder", "speeder2", "squalo", "submersible",
"submersible2", "suntrap", "toro", "toro2", "tropic", "tropic2", "tug",
"avisa", "dinghy5", "kosatka", "longfin", "patrolboat", "predator",
["planes"] = { -- [table] → List planes
"alphaz1", "avenger", "avenger2", "besra", "blimp", "blimp2", "blimp3", "bombushka",
"cargoplane", "cargoplane2", "cuban800", "dodo", "duster", "howard", "hydra", "jet",
"lazer", "luxor", "luxor2", "mammatus", "microlight", "miljet", "mogul", "molotok",
"nimbus", "nokota", "pyro", "rogue", "seabreeze", "shamal", "starling", "strikeforce",
"stunt", "titan", "tula", "velum", "velum2", "vestra", "volatol", "alkonost",
Config.markers = {
distances = { show = 10, use = 1 }, -- [table] → The markers distances settings
style = {
management = {
type = 29,
size = { x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.8 },
color = { r = 150, g = 50, b = 50, a = 150 },
Config.refuelItems = {
["gas"] = {
selector = "_not_specific",
tick = { time = 1000, remove = 0.5, add = 1 },
progress = {
animation = { dict = 'weapon@w_sp_jerrycan', clip = 'fire' },
disable = { move = true, car = true, combat = true },
locales = {
use = "Refuel the vehicle",
cancel = "Stop refuelling",
currentFuel = "Vehicle fuel level: %s%%",
currentAmmo = "Petrol can tank level: %s%%",
isPlayerHaveItem = function()
local hasItem = false
local currentWeapon = GetSelectedPedWeapon(PlayerPedId())
hasItem = currentWeapon == 883325847 and true or false
return hasItem
getItemFuelLevel = function(item)
if not item then
local ammo = (GetAmmoInPedWeapon(PlayerPedId(), 883325847) / 4500) * 100
return ammo
setItemFuelLevel = function(item, amount)
SetPedAmmo(PlayerPedId(), 883325847, math.floor(((amount * 4500) / 100) + 0.0))
-- -- If you are using ox_inventory, comment the "gas" configuration and uncomment the "gas_oxinventory" configuration.
-- ["gas_oxinventory"] = {
-- selector = "_not_specific",
-- tick = { time = 1000, remove = 0.5, add = 1 },
-- progress = {
-- animation = { dict = 'weapon@w_sp_jerrycan', clip = 'fire' },
-- disable = { move = true, car = true, combat = true },
-- },
-- locales = {
-- use = "Refuel the vehicle",
-- cancel = "Stop refuelling",
-- currentFuel = "Vehicle fuel level: %s%%",
-- currentAmmo = "Petrol can tank level: %s%%",
-- },
-- isPlayerHaveItem = function()
-- local hasItem = false
-- local currentWeapon = exports.ox_inventory:getCurrentWeapon()
-- hasItem = currentWeapon?.name == 'WEAPON_PETROLCAN' and currentWeapon
-- return hasItem
-- end,
-- getItemFuelLevel = function(item)
-- local ammo = item.metadata.ammo
-- return ammo
-- end,
-- setItemFuelLevel = function(item, amount)
-- if not item then
-- return
-- end
-- TriggerServerEvent("lyre_fuel:setPedAmmo_oxinventory", amount)
-- end
-- },
Config.locations = {
["lossantos_1"] = {
blip = vec3(-71.28, -1761.16, 29.48), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(-68.227867126465, -1754.3420410156, 29.415466308594), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(-63.61373901367187, -1767.937744140625, 28.26160812377929),
vec3(-61.03425216674805, -1760.8505859375, 28.30055999755859),
vec3(-69.45481872558594, -1758.018798828125, 28.54180145263672),
vec3(-72.0343017578125, -1765.10595703125, 28.52847290039062),
vec3(-80.17231750488281, -1762.143798828125, 28.79890060424804),
vec3(-77.5927505493164, -1755.056884765625, 28.80794906616211),
["lossantos_2"] = {
blip = vec3(264.74, -1260.98, 29.18), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(264.85079956055, -1250.2344970703, 29.141345977783), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(256.4333801269531, -1253.46142578125, 28.2867317199707),
vec3(256.4333801269531, -1261.29833984375, 28.29153060913086),
vec3(256.4333801269531, -1268.6396484375, 28.29116821289062),
vec3(265.0627136230469, -1268.6396484375, 28.29112243652343),
vec3(265.0627136230469, -1261.29833984375, 28.29272079467773),
vec3(265.0627136230469, -1253.46142578125, 28.28998565673828),
vec3(273.8385925292969, -1253.46142578125, 28.29183197021484),
vec3(273.8385925292969, -1261.29833984375, 28.2861328125),
vec3(273.8385925292969, -1268.6396484375, 28.29059982299804),
["lossantos_3"] = {
blip = vec3(1208.66, -1402.64, 35.22), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(1209.4403076172, -1395.7105712891, 35.224147796631), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(1212.937255859375, -1404.030029296875, 34.38496017456055),
vec3(1210.064697265625, -1406.903076171875, 34.38496017456055),
vec3(1204.1953125, -1401.03369140625, 34.38496017456055),
vec3(1207.068115234375, -1398.160888671875, 34.38496017456055),
["lossantos_4"] = {
blip = vec3(818.83, -1029.89, 26.17), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(818.53369140625, -1022.7762451172, 26.233043670654), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(810.698974609375, -1026.247802734375, 25.43555450439453),
vec3(810.698974609375, -1030.94140625, 25.43555450439453),
vec3(818.986083984375, -1030.94140625, 25.43555450439453),
vec3(818.986083984375, -1026.247802734375, 25.43555450439453),
vec3(827.2933349609375, -1026.247802734375, 25.63511276245117),
vec3(827.2933349609375, -1030.94140625, 25.63511276245117),
["lossantos_5"] = {
blip = vec3(1181.27, -329.57, 69.18), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(1187.7585449219, -329.08395385742, 69.174423217773), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(1186.3909912109376, -338.2332458496094, 68.35638427734375),
vec3(1178.9632568359376, -339.5430603027344, 68.3656005859375),
vec3(1177.4598388671876, -331.0143737792969, 68.3187255859375),
vec3(1184.8870849609376, -329.7048034667969, 68.30953979492188),
vec3(1183.1292724609376, -320.9965515136719, 68.35069274902344),
vec3(1175.7015380859376, -322.3061218261719, 68.35877990722656),
["lossantos_6"] = {
blip = vec3(621.07, 269.52, 103.04), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(621.0146484375, 259.97833251953, 103.08944702148), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(612.4210205078125, 273.9571533203125, 102.26951599121094),
vec3(612.4322509765625, 263.83575439453127, 102.26951599121094),
vec3(620.9901123046875, 263.8359375, 102.26951599121094),
vec3(620.986083984375, 273.96978759765627, 102.26951599121094),
vec3(629.630615234375, 273.9698486328125, 102.26951599121094),
vec3(629.634521484375, 263.835693359375, 102.26951599121094),
["lossantos_7"] = {
blip = vec3(-1437.58, -276.38, 46.21), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(-1440.9962158203, -265.52008056641, 46.207660675049), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(-1429.075927734375, -279.15185546875, 45.40259552001953),
vec3(-1438.072021484375, -268.69781494140627, 45.40358734130859),
vec3(-1444.5035400390626, -274.23236083984377, 45.40358734130859),
vec3(-1435.5074462890626, -284.6864013671875, 45.40259552001953),
["lossantos_8"] = {
blip = vec3(-2096.6, -318.15, 13.02), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(-2095.4829101563, -308.27920532227, 13.023532867432), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(-2088.755615234375, -327.3988037109375, 12.1609182357788),
vec3(-2088.086669921875, -321.0352478027344, 12.1609182357788),
vec3(-2087.21533203125, -312.8184814453125, 12.1609182357788),
vec3(-2096.096435546875, -311.9068908691406, 12.1609182357788),
vec3(-2096.814453125, -320.1178894042969, 12.1609182357788),
vec3(-2097.4833984375, -326.48150634765627, 12.1609182357788),
vec3(-2106.065673828125, -325.5794677734375, 12.1609182357788),
vec3(-2105.396728515625, -319.2159118652344, 12.1609182357788),
vec3(-2104.53515625, -311.01983642578127, 12.1609182357788),
["lossantos_9"] = {
blip = vec3(-1799.03, 803.11, 138.4), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(-1804.6828613281, 808.41302490234, 138.51405334473), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(-1795.9344482421876, 811.963623046875, 137.69021606445313),
vec3(-1790.8387451171876, 806.4029541015625, 137.69512939453126),
vec3(-1797.2239990234376, 800.5526123046875, 137.65481567382813),
vec3(-1802.3189697265626, 806.1129150390625, 137.65170288085938),
vec3(-1808.7191162109376, 799.951416015625, 137.68540954589845),
vec3(-1803.6236572265626, 794.3907470703125, 137.68983459472657),
["lossantos_10"] = {
blip = vec3(-524.84, -1211.02, 18.18), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(-519.06109619141, -1218.9074707031, 18.272518157959), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(-522.2349853515625, -1217.422119140625, 17.32516098022461),
vec3(-524.9267578125, -1216.152099609375, 17.32538604736328),
vec3(-529.51708984375, -1213.962646484375, 17.32538604736328),
vec3(-532.2852783203125, -1212.71875, 17.32538604736328),
vec3(-528.5758056640625, -1204.80126953125, 17.32538604736328),
vec3(-525.8076171875, -1206.044921875, 17.32538604736328),
vec3(-521.21728515625, -1208.234375, 17.32538604736328),
vec3(-518.525634765625, -1209.50439453125, 17.32516098022461),
["lossantos_11"] = {
blip = vec3(2581.56, 361.65, 108.46), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(2580.99609375, 354.78274536133, 108.45734405518), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(2588.406005859375, 358.5595703125, 107.65083312988281),
vec3(2588.645751953125, 364.0592041015625, 107.65049743652344),
vec3(2581.173583984375, 364.3847351074219, 107.65000915527344),
vec3(2580.93408203125, 358.88507080078127, 107.6507797241211),
vec3(2573.544677734375, 359.20697021484377, 107.65115356445313),
vec3(2573.7841796875, 364.7066650390625, 107.65056610107422),
["lossantos_12"] = {
blip = vec3(-319.84, -1471.77, 30.55), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(-319.845703125, -1471.759765625, 30.545930862427), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(-329.8195495605469, -1471.6396484375, 29.72901153564453),
vec3(-324.7491149902344, -1480.4140625, 29.7288589477539),
vec3(-317.2628479003906, -1476.091796875, 29.72502899169922),
vec3(-322.3332214355469, -1467.317626953125, 29.72066497802734),
vec3(-314.9219665527344, -1463.03857421875, 29.72624969482422),
vec3(-309.8515319824219, -1471.79833984375, 29.72341156005859),
["lossantos_13"] = {
blip = vec3(175.31, -1561.73, 29.26), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(172.18060302734, -1570.7338867188, 29.304636001587), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(181.8067169189453, -1561.9698486328126, 28.32902526855468),
vec3(174.9801483154297, -1568.4442138671876, 28.32902526855468),
vec3(169.29725646972657, -1562.2669677734376, 28.32902526855468),
vec3(176.02076721191407, -1555.9114990234376, 28.32838058471679),
["lossantos_14"] = {
blip = vec3(-723.72, -935.51, 19.21), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(-723.94439697266, -929.14074707031, 19.017019271851), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(-732.6458129882813, -932.5162353515625, 18.211669921875),
vec3(-732.6458129882813, -939.3216552734375, 18.211669921875),
vec3(-724.0073852539063, -939.3216552734375, 18.211669921875),
vec3(-724.0073852539063, -932.5162353515625, 18.211669921875),
vec3(-715.4374389648438, -932.5162353515625, 18.211669921875),
vec3(-715.4374389648438, -939.3216552734375, 18.211669921875),
["blainecounty_1"] = {
blip = vec3(-2555.31, 2334.01, 33.06), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(-2561.3569335938, 2316.6838378906, 33.215812683105), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(-2551.396240234375, 2327.115478515625, 32.24691772460937),
vec3(-2558.021484375, 2326.704345703125, 32.25613403320312),
vec3(-2558.484619140625, 2334.1337890625, 32.2554702758789),
vec3(-2552.607177734375, 2334.467529296875, 32.254150390625),
vec3(-2552.3984375, 2341.8916015625, 32.21600341796875),
vec3(-2558.7724609375, 2341.48779296875, 32.2252197265625),
["blainecounty_2"] = {
blip = vec3(49.69, 2778.33, 57.88), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(46.008586883545, 2788.7231445313, 57.878295898438), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(50.30570602416992, 2778.53466796875, 57.04140090942383),
vec3(48.9130973815918, 2779.58544921875, 57.04140090942383),
["blainecounty_3"] = {
blip = vec3(264.15, 2607.05, 44.95), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(265.79113769531, 2598.3020019531, 44.837615966797), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(264.976318359375, 2607.177734375, 43.98323059082031),
vec3(263.08258056640627, 2606.794677734375, 43.98323059082031),
["blainecounty_4"] = {
blip = vec3(1207.56, 2660.2, 37.81), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(1200.6734619141, 2655.7592773438, 37.851871490479), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(1208.509765625, 2659.427978515625, 36.89814758300781),
vec3(1209.58154296875, 2658.3515625, 36.89955139160156),
vec3(1205.8997802734376, 2662.048583984375, 36.89674377441406),
["blainecounty_5"] = {
blip = vec3(2538.0, 2593.83, 37.94), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(2545.2333984375, 2591.9792480469, 37.957416534424), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(2539.79443359375, 2594.807861328125, 36.95571899414062),
["blainecounty_6"] = {
blip = vec3(2680.01, 3265.0, 55.24), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(2674.4497070313, 3266.630859375, 55.240550994873), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(2680.90234375, 3266.40771484375, 54.39086151123047),
vec3(2678.512939453125, 3262.3369140625, 54.39086151123047),
["blainecounty_7"] = {
blip = vec3(2005.07, 3774.33, 32.18), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(2002.4544677734, 3780.3701171875, 32.180820465088), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(2009.25439453125, 3776.7734375, 31.39846420288086),
vec3(2006.205078125, 3774.95654296875, 31.39846420288086),
vec3(2003.913818359375, 3773.47607421875, 31.39846420288086),
vec3(2001.546875, 3772.20166015625, 31.39846420288086),
["blainecounty_8"] = {
blip = vec3(1688.42, 4930.85, 42.08), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(1694.1534423828, 4924.4311523438, 42.078132629395), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(1684.5911865234376, 4931.6552734375, 41.22716522216797),
vec3(1690.0948486328126, 4927.8017578125, 41.22769546508789),
["blainecounty_9"] = {
blip = vec3(1039.34, 2671.78, 39.55), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(1039.2183837891, 2664.2153320313, 39.551063537598), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(1043.2193603515626, 2674.445556640625, 38.70339202880859),
vec3(1035.4425048828126, 2674.435791015625, 38.70319366455078),
vec3(1035.4423828125, 2667.904052734375, 38.70318984985351),
vec3(1043.2196044921876, 2667.913818359375, 38.70345306396484),
["blainecounty_10"] = {
blip = vec3(1785.58, 3330.47, 41.38), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(1776.3752441406, 3327.3664550781, 41.433288574219), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(1785.032470703125, 3331.47607421875, 40.34383392333984),
vec3(1786.079833984375, 3329.853515625, 40.41194534301758),
["paletobay_1"] = {
blip = vec3(1702.79, 6416.86, 33.64), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(1705.8178710938, 6425.4213867188, 32.76517868042), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(1697.756591796875, 6418.34423828125, 31.760009765625),
vec3(1701.724365234375, 6416.48291015625, 31.760009765625),
vec3(1705.737060546875, 6414.60009765625, 31.760009765625),
["paletobay_2"] = {
blip = vec3(179.94, 6602.6, 31.85), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(180.16264343262, 6601.7084960938, 32.047424316406), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(186.97091674804688, 6606.2177734375, 31.0625),
vec3(179.67465209960938, 6604.9306640625, 31.0625),
vec3(172.33335876464845, 6603.6357421875, 31.0625),
["paletobay_3"] = {
blip = vec3(-93.98, 6420.1, 31.48), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(-94.225936889648, 6419.71484375, 31.489513397217), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "_not_specific", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.0, sell = 50000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 250, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Gas station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 361,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(-97.06086730957031, 6416.7666015625, 30.64349365234375),
vec3(-91.29045104980469, 6422.537109375, 30.64349365234375),
["supercharger_1"] = {
blip = vec3(282.065948, -336.619781, 45.034424), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(281.45159912109, -321.9651184082, 44.920078277588), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "electric_cars", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 0.35, sell = 35000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 1500, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = nil,
fuelUnit = { letter = "kWh", lc = "kwh", uc = "KWH" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "electricity", uc = "Electricity", station = "Super charger station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "bolt", startRefuel = "plug" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 0.15, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 354,
colour = 26,
scale = 1.3,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Super charger",
extensions = { noStock = " - No electricity", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 4, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(295.90399169922, -350.78533935547, 45.048694610596),
vec3(297.22897338867, -347.09201049805, 45.048553466797),
vec3(298.30563354492, -344.25399780273, 45.048698425293),
vec3(299.43890380859, -340.98706054688, 45.048698425293),
vec3(300.72268676758, -337.45062255859, 45.048656463623),
vec3(301.81405639648, -334.4489440918, 45.048686981201),
vec3(302.95602416992, -331.3039855957, 45.048683166504),
vec3(284.36181640625, -331.61712646484, 44.920112609863),
vec3(283.11611938477, -335.02801513672, 44.920104980469),
vec3(282.04754638672, -337.96560668945, 44.920101165771),
vec3(280.83270263672, -341.31195068359, 44.920101165771),
vec3(263.04406738281, -331.11651611328, 44.920120239258),
vec3(264.32104492188, -327.5998840332, 44.920127868652),
vec3(265.50341796875, -324.36172485352, 44.920177459717),
vec3(266.56481933594, -321.43676757813, 44.920112609863),
vec3(267.7685546875, -318.13888549805, 44.920211791992),
["boats_1"] = {
blip = vec3(-747.552734375, -1361.9730224609, 1.5952161550522), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(-759.70654296875, -1353.9440917969, 1.5952167510986), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "boats", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 200000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 2.1, sell = 75000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 300, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Boats - Fuel station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.7, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 410,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Boats fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 6, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(-747.88037109375, -1361.9403076172, 1.5952160358429),
vec3(-742.19720458984, -1354.7124023438, 1.5947836637497),
vec3(-754.38751220703, -1369.9260253906, 1.5949846506119),
["boats_2"] = {
blip = vec3(1299.3724365234, 4219.8559570313, 33.908645629883), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(1301.8070068359, 4226.8232421875, 33.90864944458), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "boats", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 200000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 1.5, sell = 65000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 300, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "gas", uc = "Gas", station = "Boats - Fuel station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 1.1, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 410,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Boats fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 10, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(1299.2264404297, 4218.2124023438, 33.90864944458),
["planes_1"] = {
blip = vec3(-1344.2408447266, -2690.634765625, 13.944940567017), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(-1352.3502197266, -2681.3525390625, 13.944935798645), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "planes", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 200000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 5.3, sell = 100000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 800, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "kerosene", uc = "Kerosene", station = "Planes - Fuel station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 4.5, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 307,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Planes fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 10, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(-1344.2408447266, -2690.634765625, 13.944940567017),
["planes_2"] = {
blip = vec3(1695.8225097656, 3277.7624511719, 41.130874633789), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(1696.5991210938, 3289.8583984375, 41.146553039551), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "planes", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 200000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 4.8, sell = 80000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 800, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "kerosene", uc = "Kerosene", station = "Planes - Fuel station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 4.1, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 307,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Planes fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 10, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(1695.484375, 3281.7780761719, 41.118629455566),
["planes_3"] = {
blip = vec3(2106.1740722656, 4783.0258789063, 41.186489105225), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the blip
management = vec3(2110.6730957031, 4782.1870117188, 41.06872177124), -- [vector] → Coordinates of the management point
selector = "planes", -- [string] → The vehicle selector string, use _all, _not_specific, _specific, or any type defined in Config.specificTypes
usagePrice = { min = 0, max = 100 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed usage price interval
sellPrice = { min = 1, max = 200000 }, -- [table] → Change the allowed selling price interval
defaultPrice = { usage = 4.8, sell = 80000 }, -- [table] → Change the default usage and sell price for this station
timeToRefuel = 800, -- [integer] → Time in ms to put 1 unit of fuel
fuelAnimation = { dict = "timetable@gardener@filling_can", clip = "gar_ig_5_filling_can" },
fuelUnit = { letter = "L", lc = "liter", uc = "Liter" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel unit
fuelName = { lc = "kerosene", uc = "Kerosene", station = "Planes - Fuel station" }, -- [table] → Informations of the fuel name
refuelInVehicle = false, -- [boolean] → Do you want players to be able to refuel their vehicle while they are in it?
menuIcons = { level = "droplet", startRefuel = "gas-pump" }, -- [table] → Icon used in the menus (reffer to font awesome to change)
supplierPrice = 4.1, -- [float] → Price per unit of fuel to buy stock
useManagementSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the managing system
useStockSystem = true, -- [boolean] → Does the station is affected by the stock system
defaultStock = 1000, -- [integer] → Set the default stock of a station (1000 will be 10 full refuel)
blipStyle = {
sprite = 307,
colour = 6,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Planes fuel station",
extensions = { noStock = " - No fuel", onSale = " - On sale" },
}, -- [table] → Blip style
checkRadius = 10, -- [integer] → The radius to check for a vehicle
pumps = { -- [table] → Coordinates of the pumps
vec3(2106.1740722656, 4783.0258789063, 41.186489105225),