[FREE] Go Fast DLC
Config = {}
-- [string] → The locale you want to use. If the locale does not exist, the script will use the default locale.
Config.locale = GetConvar("lyre_illegalmissions:locale", "en")
-- [string] → The bridge you want to use. You can put a valid bridge or put "auto_detect" to let the script choose the best bridge for you.
Config.bridge = "auto_detect"
-- [boolean] → If you want the script to check for updates. If the script is not up to date, it will print a message in the console.
Config.checkForUpdates = true
-- [string] → The system you want to use to interact with the locations. You can put "marker" or "target"
Config.interactSystem = GetConvar("lyre_illegalmissions:target", "marker")
-- [number] → The chance of the mission to be available (0.0 to 1.0)
Config.chance = 0.5
-- [table] → The requirements for the mission
Config.requiredRepuation = 0
-- [table] → The requirements for the mission
Config.requiredCops = 0
-- [table] → The requirements for the mission
Config.requiredTeam = 1
-- [number] → The base money gain for the mission
Config.baseMoneyGain = 500
-- [number] → The base money loss (deposit) for the mission
Config.baseMoneyLoss = 150
-- [number] → The base money loss for the mission
Config.baseReputationGain = 2
-- [number] → The base reputation gain for the mission
Config.baseReputationLoss = 2
-- [table] → The vehicles that can be used for the mission
Config.avalaibleVehicles = {
-- [table] → The start points for the mission
Config.avalaibleStarts = {
[1] = vec4(752.70434570312, -1186.8148193359, 24.282987594604, 179.79214477539),
[2] = vec4(749.00323486328, -1186.7379150391, 24.280000686646, 181.30596923828),
[3] = vec4(745.25109863281, -1186.8854980469, 24.276859283447, 175.53521728516),
[4] = vec4(741.67388916016, -1187.0123291016, 24.273986816406, 185.88662719727),
-- [table] → The destination points for the mission
Config.avalaibleDestinations = {
[1] = vec4(-772.15081787109, -2605.2336425781, 12.878496170044, 234.34637451172),
[2] = vec4(3808.16, 4475.83, 3.54, 186.64),
[3] = vec4(1646.8, 4839.7, 41.03, 103.64),
[4] = vec4(-50.17, 1950.05, 189.19, 118.39),
[5] = vec4(-898.00933837891, -2595.2138671875, 12.830852508545, 335.61502075195),
[6] = vec4(-1000.9091796875, -2535.1584472656, 12.830892562866, 328.55499267578),
[7] = vec4(1710.8707275391, 4759.310546875, 41.035949707031, 177.00939941406),
[8] = vec4(1790.6036376953, 4613.1240234375, 36.182800292969, 1.3270522356033),
[9] = vec4(1972.9132080078, 4639.8022460938, 39.923923492432, 30.058523178101),
[10] = vec4(-125.70860290527, 1895.6313476563, 196.3328704834, 182.65644836426),
[11] = vec4(861.68908691406, 2172.9748535156, 51.283149719238, 242.74450683594),
-- [table] → The packages that can be used for the mission. Items must be registered in the database or in the inventory configuration
Config.avalaiblePackages = {
{ multiplier = 1.0, mission_label = "Cannabis gofast" },
{ multiplier = 1.3, mission_label = "Cocaine gofast" },
{ multiplier = 1.6, mission_label = "Opium gofast" },
{ multiplier = 1.6, mission_label = "Methamphetamine gofast" },
-- [number] → The time the player has to complete the mission (in seconds). It's recommanded to set a high value because the player can be interrupted by the police of your server.
Config.avalaibleTime = 25 * 60 -- 25 minutes
-- [string] → The ped model of the buyer
Config.buyerPed = "a_m_m_business_01"
-- [boolean] → If you want the script block npc to spawn in zone used by the mission. Only disable this if you have already a system to block NPCs.
Config.antiNPCSpawn = true
-- [number] → The interval between each police alert (in seconds)
Config.policeAlertInterval = 30 -- 30 seconds
Last updated