Default configuration
This is the default configuration of the script. Take note that there is others configurations in the bridge files : Configuration for your notification resource, keys system, fuel system, and more...
Config = {}
-- [string] → The locale you want to use. If the locale does not exist, the script will use the default locale.
Config.locale = GetConvar(GetCurrentResourceName() .. ":locale", "en")
-- [string] → The bridge you want to use. You can put a valid bridge or put "auto_detect" to let the script choose the best bridge for you.
Config.bridge = "auto_detect"
-- [boolean] → If you want the script to check for updates. If the script is not up to date, it will print a message in the console.
Config.checkForUpdates = true
-- [string] → The system you want to use to interact with the script. You can put "marker" or "target"
Config.interactSystem = GetConvar("lyre_carrental:interact", "marker")
-- [boolean] → If you want the background to be blurred when the menu is opened.
Config.backgroundBlur = false
-- [table] → The settings for the rent blip. If you don't want to use a blip, set "Config.rentBlipSettings" to false.
Config.rentBlipSettings = {
label = "Rented Vehicle",
sprite = 12,
scale = 1.0,
colour = 47,
isShortRange = false,
-- [table] → The hud functions, use them if you want to show and hide your hud when the menu is opened.
Config.hud = {
show = function() end,
hide = function() end,
-- [number] → Transparency of the previewed vehicle, put 255 for non transparent vehicle
Config.previewVehicleAlpha = 200
-- [boolean] → If you want the previewed vehicles to have collisions. Note that if you use interactSystem = "target", the collisions will be automatically enabled because targetting systems doesn't support interacting non-collidable entities.
Config.previewVehicleCollisions = false
-- [string] → The position of the counter. You can put "top-left", "top-right", "top-center", "bottom-left", "bottom-right" or "bottom-center".
Config.counterPosition = "top-left"
-- [string] → Which account should be used for the money transactions ? (bank, money or black_money)
Config.moneyAccount = "bank"
-- [number] → The requiered health of the vehicle to save your caution. From 0 to 1000 (1000 will be very strict)
Config.healthToSaveCaution = 990
-- [boolean] → If you want the script block npc to spawn in zone used by the script. Only disable this if you have already a system to block NPCs.
Config.antiNPCSpawn = true
-- [table] → The zones where the vehicles are located. You can add as many zones as you want.
Config.zones = {
["car"] = {
blip = { -- [table] → Table for the blip parameter, remove the table and put blip = nil if you don't want to have a blip
coords = vec3(-1038.388671875, -2670.4946289062, 13.83075428009),
sprite = 187,
colour = 6,
scale = 1.0,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Vehicle Rental - Car",
vehicles = {
coords = vec4(-1038.8122558594, -2678.0073242188, 13.83075428009, 331.32501220703), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "blista", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Blista", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = 15, -- [table] → The price for one km/mi
deposit = 100, -- [number] → The deposit price
colour = { r = 10, g = 10, b = 10 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
size = 5.0, -- [number] → Vehicle lenght (approximatively)
coords = vec4(-1041.8675537109, -2676.408203125, 13.223853111267, 324.68881225586), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "asbo", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Asbo", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = 10, -- [table] → The price for one km/mi
deposit = 70, -- [number] → The deposit price
colour = { r = 10, g = 10, b = 10 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
size = 5.0, -- [number] → Vehicle lenght (approximatively)
coords = vec4(-1044.4190673828, -2674.2592773438, 13.830760955811, 321.51779174805), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "dilettante", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Dilettante", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = 5, -- [table] → The price for one km/mi
deposit = 40, -- [number] → The deposit price
colour = { r = 10, g = 10, b = 10 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
size = 6.0, -- [number] → Vehicle lenght (approximatively)
["boat"] = {
blip = { -- [table] → Table for the blip parameter, remove the table and put blip = nil if you don't want to have a blip
coords = vec3(-793.33093261719, -1496.5070800781, 0.11953040957451),
sprite = 187,
colour = 3,
scale = 1.0,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Vehicle Rental - Boat",
vehicles = {
coords = vec4(-793.33093261719, -1496.5070800781, 0.11953040957451, 112.2827911377), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "dinghy", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Dinghy", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = 15, -- [table] → The price for one km/mi
deposit = 400, -- [number] → The deposit price
colour = { r = 10, g = 10, b = 10 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
size = 10.0, -- [number] → Vehicle lenght (approximatively)
coords = vec4(-790.04992675781, -1505.5345458984, 0.11953574419022, 110.54763031006), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "squalo", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Squalo", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = 30, -- [table] → The price for one km/mi
deposit = 600, -- [number] → The deposit price
colour = { r = 10, g = 10, b = 10 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
size = 10.0, -- [number] → Vehicle lenght (approximatively)
["motorcycle"] = {
blip = { -- [table] → Table for the blip parameter, remove the table and put blip = nil if you don't want to have a blip
coords = vec3(265.45275878906, -1161.7362060547, 29.213304519653),
sprite = 187,
colour = 31,
scale = 1.0,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Vehicle Rental - Motorcycle",
vehicles = {
coords = vec4(265.4475402832, -1161.6733398438, 29.214870452881, 0.43285924196243), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "manchez", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Manchez", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = 10, -- [table] → The price for one km/mi
deposit = 50, -- [number] → The deposit price
colour = { r = 10, g = 10, b = 10 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
size = 2.0, -- [number] → Vehicle lenght (approximatively)
coords = vec4(264.15676879883, -1161.564453125, 29.194326400757, 358.99536132812), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "bf400", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "BF400", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = 20, -- [table] → The price for one km/mi
deposit = 100, -- [number] → The deposit price
colour = { r = 10, g = 10, b = 10 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
size = 2.0, -- [number] → Vehicle lenght (approximatively)
coords = vec4(262.9626159668, -1161.7238769531, 29.190860748291, 355.11614990234), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "bagger", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Bagger", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = 15, -- [table] → The price for one km/mi
deposit = 70, -- [number] → The deposit price
colour = { r = 10, g = 10, b = 10 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
size = 2.0, -- [number] → Vehicle lenght (approximatively)
coords = vec4(261.57418823242, -1161.8796386719, 29.189159393311, 2.6541352272034), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "akuma", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Akuma", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = 17, -- [table] → The price for one km/mi
deposit = 90, -- [number] → The deposit price
colour = { r = 10, g = 10, b = 10 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
size = 2.0, -- [number] → Vehicle lenght (approximatively)
["plane"] = {
blip = { -- [table] → Table for the blip parameter, remove the table and put blip = nil if you don't want to have a blip
coords = vec3(1747.0084228516, 3289.1569824219, 41.105209350586),
sprite = 187,
colour = 13,
scale = 1.0,
display = 4,
isShortRange = true,
label = "Vehicle Rental - Plane",
vehicles = {
coords = vec4(1747.0084228516, 3289.1569824219, 41.105209350586, 139.13719177246), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "cuban800", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Cuban 800", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = 100, -- [table] → The price for one km/mi
deposit = 2300, -- [number] → The deposit price
colour = { r = 10, g = 10, b = 10 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
size = 5.0, -- [number] → Vehicle lenght (approximatively)
coords = vec4(1758.1346435547, 3285.4951171875, 41.140846252441, 164.16735839844), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "alphaz1", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Alphaz", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = 110, -- [table] → The price for one km/mi
deposit = 1500, -- [number] → The deposit price
colour = { r = 10, g = 10, b = 10 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
size = 5.0, -- [number] → Vehicle lenght (approximatively)
Last updated