[FREE] Car Theft DLC
Config = {}
-- [string] → The locale you want to use. If the locale does not exist, the script will use the default locale.
Config.locale = GetConvar("lyre_illegalmissions:locale", "en")
-- [string] → The bridge you want to use. You can put a valid bridge or put "auto_detect" to let the script choose the best bridge for you.
Config.bridge = "auto_detect"
-- [boolean] → If you want the script to check for updates. If the script is not up to date, it will print a message in the console.
Config.checkForUpdates = true
-- [string] → The system you want to use to interact with the locations. You can put "marker" or "target"
Config.interactSystem = GetConvar("lyre_illegalmissions:target", "marker")
-- [number] → The chance of the mission to be available (0.0 to 1.0)
Config.chance = 0.5
-- [table] → The requirements for the mission
Config.requiredRepuation = 0
-- [table] → The requirements for the mission
Config.requiredCops = 0
-- [number] → The base money gain for the mission
Config.baseMoneyGain = 500
-- [number] → The base money loss (deposit) for the mission
Config.baseMoneyLoss = 0
-- [number] → The base money loss for the mission
Config.baseReputationGain = 2
-- [number] → The base reputation gain for the mission
Config.baseReputationLoss = 2
-- [table] → The locations where the vehicles will spawn
Config.avalaibleLocations = {
[1] = {
label = "Cockingend Drive",
securityLevel = 2, -- [number] → The security level of the location (1 to 4). The higher the security level, the more difficult the mission will be.
parkingPlaces = {
vec4(-972.30358886719, 522.90234375, 81.471298217773, 325.95239257812),
vec4(-976.41491699219, 524.26519775391, 81.471313476562, 146.18571472168),
vec4(-980.66888427734, 518.25524902344, 81.471313476562, 142.80200195312),
vec4(-977.03186035156, 514.54534912109, 81.471382141113, 321.70098876953),
vec4(-984.66076660156, 512.95904541016, 80.247627258301, 150.20724487305),
[2] = {
label = "Mad Wayne Thunder Drive",
securityLevel = 2, -- [number] → The security level of the location (1 to 4). The higher the security level, the more difficult the mission will be.
parkingPlaces = {
vec4(-1094.5925292969, 436.78295898438, 75.286285400391, 242.38290405273),
vec4(-1094.5233154297, 441.35861206055, 75.286231994629, 267.61215209961),
vec4(-1089.1203613281, 436.17138671875, 75.188316345215, 262.4641418457),
vec4(-1089.4951171875, 439.75756835938, 75.285697937012, 83.740837097168),
vec4(-1084.1838378906, 437.86611938477, 74.236213684082, 40.320602416992),
[3] = {
label = "Rockford Drive North",
securityLevel = 3, -- [number] → The security level of the location (1 to 4). The higher the security level, the more difficult the mission will be.
parkingPlaces = {
vec4(-1990.1567382812, 375.92028808594, 94.484100341797, 283.34121704102),
vec4(-1990.29296875, 380.59747314453, 94.483009338379, 95.092781066895),
vec4(-1984.9704589844, 375.98492431641, 94.310577392578, 269.87753295898),
vec4(-1984.5211181641, 380.11441040039, 94.372947692871, 267.69879150391),
vec4(-1979.0809326172, 379.75790405273, 93.964790344238, 178.54219055176),
[4] = {
label = "Cougar Avenue",
securityLevel = 2, -- [number] → The security level of the location (1 to 4). The higher the security level, the more difficult the mission will be.
parkingPlaces = {
vec4(-1595.8831787109, -370.09643554688, 44.665817260742, 232.1468963623),
vec4(-1597.6599121094, -375.49053955078, 44.26167678833, 144.66569519043),
vec4(-1592.7260742188, -363.23687744141, 45.223754882812, 331.21447753906),
vec4(-1598.7192382812, -359.49639892578, 45.59627532959, 145.54275512695),
vec4(-1602.0147705078, -365.40100097656, 45.561492919922, 232.06192016602),
[5] = {
label = "Magelion Avenue",
securityLevel = 1, -- [number] → The security level of the location (1 to 4). The higher the security level, the more difficult the mission will be.
parkingPlaces = {
vec4(-1242.3388671875, -1425.5064697266, 4.3232645988464, 128.3865814209),
vec4(-1244.0631103516, -1422.6627197266, 4.3232674598694, 126.9772644043),
vec4(-1245.6583251953, -1420.1007080078, 4.3230953216553, 129.16635131836),
vec4(-1247.5690917969, -1417.4637451172, 4.3230895996094, 121.48654937744),
vec4(-1249.501953125, -1415.0339355469, 4.3230714797974, 121.91781616211),
[6] = {
label = "Macdonald Street",
securityLevel = 1, -- [number] → The security level of the location (1 to 4). The higher the security level, the more difficult the mission will be.
parkingPlaces = {
vec4(312.54473876953, -1737.0024414062, 29.507900238037, 233.66952514648),
vec4(317.5549621582, -1740.8430175781, 29.407667160034, 230.0902557373),
vec4(323.2741394043, -1745.2757568359, 29.336994171143, 231.34107971191),
vec4(327.61471557617, -1749.0274658203, 29.305053710938, 230.23698425293),
vec4(333.31042480469, -1753.5841064453, 29.253168106079, 230.44969177246),
[7] = {
label = "Mirror Drive East",
securityLevel = 2, -- [number] → The security level of the location (1 to 4). The higher the security level, the more difficult the mission will be.
parkingPlaces = {
vec4(1283.3499755859, -643.88781738281, 67.999038696289, 31.787784576416),
vec4(1279.1229248047, -635.44055175781, 68.557006835938, 28.469512939453),
vec4(1282.8521728516, -654.07934570312, 67.462524414062, 288.71771240234),
vec4(1274.9481201172, -640.40631103516, 68.336967468262, 208.19140625),
vec4(1277.8265380859, -647.64147949219, 67.930442810059, 201.32223510742),
[8] = {
label = "Nikola Place",
securityLevel = 2, -- [number] → The security level of the location (1 to 4). The higher the security level, the more difficult the mission will be.
parkingPlaces = {
vec4(1401.8098144531, -572.14758300781, 74.338806152344, 122.76941680908),
vec4(1380.7423095703, -582.75640869141, 74.381416320801, 81.623153686523),
vec4(1388.6899414062, -577.73669433594, 74.338806152344, 111.56553649902),
vec4(1381.3232421875, -579.66119384766, 74.366188049316, 95.435470581055),
vec4(1379.3511962891, -571.75231933594, 74.323181152344, 26.235088348389),
[9] = {
label = "Sheldon Avenue North",
securityLevel = 3, -- [number] → The security level of the location (1 to 4). The higher the security level, the more difficult the mission will be.
parkingPlaces = {
vec4(-1156.3355712891, 746.07574462891, 155.43493652344, 62.98628616333),
vec4(-1158.51953125, 743.34686279297, 155.41729736328, 51.26921081543),
vec4(-1160.9344482422, 740.20355224609, 155.37387084961, 49.494087219238),
vec4(-1159.4122314453, 749.99456787109, 154.85194396973, 136.69120788574),
vec4(-1164.9254150391, 744.27239990234, 153.89193725586, 136.39581298828),
[10] = {
label = "Kimble Hill Drive",
securityLevel = 3, -- [number] → The security level of the location (1 to 4). The higher the security level, the more difficult the mission will be.
parkingPlaces = {
vec4(-396.10314941406, 671.18579101562, 162.96917724609, 9.626558303833),
vec4(-392.54055786133, 671.40264892578, 163.38748168945, 5.0179271697998),
vec4(-387.0798034668, 672.28900146484, 164.16931152344, 288.98651123047),
vec4(-390.49536132812, 675.34155273438, 163.41032409668, 72.808853149414),
vec4(-395.07818603516, 676.74206542969, 162.41311645508, 73.234985351562),
-- [table] → The delivery zones for the mission
Config.avalaibleDeliveryZone = {
vec3(1098.5854492188, -2238.5104980469, 29.629261016846),
vec3(1314.2960205078, -1953.8236083984, 43.335987091064),
vec3(967.16967773438, -1873.8328857422, 30.513860702515),
-- [number] → The interval between each police alert (in seconds) by default. If location security is greater than 1, the interval will be divided by the security level.
Config.basePoliceAlertInterval = 60
-- [table] → The vehicles that can steal for the mission
Config.avalaibleVehicles = {
{ model = "rapidgt3", multiplier = 1.0, gameDifficulty = 1 },
{ model = "sultanrs", multiplier = 1.1, gameDifficulty = 2 },
{ model = "comet2", multiplier = 1.2, gameDifficulty = 2 },
{ model = "t20", multiplier = 1.5, gameDifficulty = 3 },
{ model = "adder", multiplier = 1.4, gameDifficulty = 3 },
{ model = "zentorno", multiplier = 1.6, gameDifficulty = 3 },
{ model = "osiris", multiplier = 1.5, gameDifficulty = 2 },
{ model = "banshee2", multiplier = 1.3, gameDifficulty = 1 },
{ model = "entityxf", multiplier = 1.4, gameDifficulty = 2 },
{ model = "cheetah", multiplier = 1.3, gameDifficulty = 2 },
{ model = "turismor", multiplier = 1.5, gameDifficulty = 3 },
{ model = "infernus", multiplier = 1.4, gameDifficulty = 2 },
{ model = "vacca", multiplier = 1.3, gameDifficulty = 2 },
{ model = "bullet", multiplier = 1.2, gameDifficulty = 1 },
{ model = "fmj", multiplier = 1.6, gameDifficulty = 3 },
{ model = "reaper", multiplier = 1.5, gameDifficulty = 3 },
{ model = "pfister811", multiplier = 1.4, gameDifficulty = 2 },
{ model = "tempesta", multiplier = 1.5, gameDifficulty = 3 },
{ model = "nero", multiplier = 1.5, gameDifficulty = 3 },
{ model = "vagner", multiplier = 1.6, gameDifficulty = 3 },
{ model = "dilettante", multiplier = 0.7, gameDifficulty = 2 },
{ model = "prairie", multiplier = 0.8, gameDifficulty = 2 },
{ model = "emperor", multiplier = 1.2, gameDifficulty = 1 },
{ model = "tornado", multiplier = 1.4, gameDifficulty = 1 },
-- [number] → The health condition requiered to complete the mission. The health condition is a number between 0 and 1000. 0 is a destroyed vehicle and 1000 is a brand new vehicle.
Config.vehicleHealthCondition = 980
-- [boolean] → If you want the script block npc to spawn in zone used by the mission. Only disable this if you have already a system to block NPCs.
Config.antiNPCSpawn = true
-- [number] → The time the player has to complete the mission (in seconds). It's recommanded to set a high value because the player can be interrupted by the police of your server.
Config.avalaibleTime = 25 * 60 -- 25 minutes
Last updated