[FREE] Murderer DLC
Config = {}
-- [string] → The locale you want to use. If the locale does not exist, the script will use the default locale.
Config.locale = GetConvar("lyre_illegalmissions:locale", "en")
-- [string] → The bridge you want to use. You can put a valid bridge or put "auto_detect" to let the script choose the best bridge for you.
Config.bridge = "auto_detect"
-- [boolean] → If you want the script to check for updates. If the script is not up to date, it will print a message in the console.
Config.checkForUpdates = true
-- [number] → The chance of the mission to be available (0.0 to 1.0)
Config.chance = 0.5
-- [table] → The requirements for the mission
Config.requiredRepuation = 0
-- [table] → The requirements for the mission
Config.requiredCops = 0
-- [number] → The base money gain for the mission
Config.baseMoneyGain = 500
-- [number] → The base money loss (deposit) for the mission
Config.baseMoneyLoss = 0
-- [number] → The base money loss for the mission
Config.baseReputationGain = 5
-- [number] → The base reputation gain for the mission
Config.baseReputationLoss = 5
-- [table] → The personalites that can be used for the mission
Config.avalaiblePersonalities = {
name = "Johnny Black",
difficulty = "easy",
model = "g_m_y_salvagoon_01",
name = "Ricky Brown",
difficulty = "easy",
model = "g_m_y_mexgoon_03",
name = "Tommy White",
difficulty = "easy",
model = "g_m_y_korean_02",
name = "Jimmy Green",
difficulty = "medium",
model = "g_m_y_armgoon_02",
name = "Bobby Blue",
difficulty = "medium",
model = "g_m_y_azteca_01",
name = "Victor Steele",
difficulty = "medium",
model = "a_m_m_business_01",
name = "Michael Gray",
difficulty = "medium",
model = "a_m_m_business_01",
name = "David Silver",
difficulty = "hard",
model = "a_m_y_business_03",
name = "Edward Gold",
difficulty = "hard",
model = "a_m_y_business_02",
name = "Henry Platinum",
difficulty = "extreme",
model = "csb_tonyprince",
name = "George Diamond",
difficulty = "extreme",
model = "csb_thornton",
-- [table] → The routes that can be used for the mission
Config.avalaibleRoutes = {
name = "Morningwood Boulevard",
blipCoords = vec3(-1370.1871337891, -221.73397827148, 43.182975769043),
spawnVehicles = {
["main"] = vec4(-1370.1871337891, -221.73397827148, 43.182975769043, 32.373046875),
["head"] = vec4(-1373.6929931641, -216.44717407227, 43.607398986816, 36.509544372559),
["back"] = vec4(-1366.3375244141, -227.56494140625, 43.560348510742, 35.946166992188),
["police"] = vec4(-1377.4464111328, -211.6466217041, 44.032600402832, 36.362384796143),
name = "Magelion Avenue",
blipCoords = vec3(-1304.3658447266, -1175.2274169922, 4.2592754364014),
spawnVehicles = {
["main"] = vec4(-1304.6049804688, -1162.7672119141, 4.3972535133362, 180.11601257324),
["head"] = vec4(-1304.5344238281, -1169.1092529297, 4.2685084342957, 181.40092468262),
["back"] = vec4(-1305.1513671875, -1155.9177246094, 5.2692904472351, 179.85581970215),
["police"] = vec4(-1304.3658447266, -1175.2274169922, 4.2592754364014, 181.59489440918),
name = "Macdonald Street",
blipCoords = vec3(141.16021728516, -1575.1645507812, 28.697420120239),
spawnVehicles = {
["main"] = vec4(130.36688232422, -1564.98828125, 28.735321044922, 229.14854431152),
["head"] = vec4(138.07646179199, -1571.5802001953, 28.729606628418, 228.96907043457),
["back"] = vec4(123.3434677124, -1558.6137695312, 28.743251800537, 225.6363067627),
["police"] = vec4(145.3122253418, -1577.7845458984, 28.719026565552, 228.56692504883),
name = "Mirror Park Boulevard",
blipCoords = vec3(916.81915283203, -123.93241882324, 75.925903320312),
spawnVehicles = {
["main"] = vec4(929.32073974609, -132.74536132812, 75.149147033691, 58.498210906982),
["head"] = vec4(923.951171875, -129.49563598633, 75.433448791504, 58.049858093262),
["back"] = vec4(937.4267578125, -137.6837310791, 74.391220092773, 58.256290435791),
["police"] = vec4(917.43225097656, -125.18058776855, 75.885459899902, 56.858474731445),
name = "Clinton Avenue",
blipCoords = vec3(313.30822753906, 328.27072143555, 104.86708068848),
spawnVehicles = {
["main"] = vec4(329.68975830078, 324.61190795898, 104.5655670166, 77.834403991699),
["head"] = vec4(321.42175292969, 326.32998657227, 104.79981994629, 74.120170593262),
["back"] = vec4(339.10409545898, 322.48126220703, 104.12837219238, 73.030799865723),
["police"] = vec4(313.30822753906, 328.27072143555, 104.86708068848, 75.079002380371),
name = "Mo Milton Drive South",
blipCoords = vec3(-853.69287109375, 423.54293823242, 86.425071716309),
spawnVehicles = {
["main"] = vec4(-852.95062255859, 407.13653564453, 86.586006164551, 1.2451512813568),
["head"] = vec4(-853.25671386719, 414.68063354492, 86.48218536377, 1.5579608678818),
["back"] = vec4(-852.73400878906, 398.64395141602, 86.714897155762, 1.2569527626038),
["police"] = vec4(-853.69287109375, 423.54293823242, 86.425071716309, 359.2043762207),
-- [table] → The vehicles that can be used for the mission
Config.avalaibleVehicles = {
["main"] = {
["easy"] = {
["medium"] = {
["hard"] = {
["extreme"] = {
["head"] = {
["easy"] = {
["medium"] = {
["hard"] = {
["extreme"] = {
["back"] = {
["easy"] = {
["medium"] = {
["hard"] = {
["extreme"] = {
["police"] = {
["easy"] = {
["medium"] = {
["hard"] = {
["extreme"] = {
-- [table] → Ped models that can be used for the mission
Config.avalaibleSecurityPeds = {
["security"] = {
["police"] = {
-- [table] → The multipliers for the difficulty
Config.difficultyMultipliers = {
["easy"] = 1.0,
["medium"] = 4,
["hard"] = 8,
["extreme"] = 16,
-- [table] → The weapons that can be used for the mission
Config.avalaibleWeapons = {
["easy"] = {
["medium"] = {
["hard"] = {
["extreme"] = {
-- [boolean] → If you want the peds to be agressive when a member of the mission is shooting
Config.makePedsAgressiveOnShoot = true
-- [boolean] → If you want the peds to be agressive when a member of the mission is aiming
Config.makePedsAgressiveOnAiming = true
-- [number] → The time the player has to complete the mission (in seconds). It's recommanded to set a high value because the player can be interrupted by the police of your server.
Config.avalaibleTime = 20 * 60 -- 20 minutes
Last updated