Make sure you have the following dependencies installed on your server
oxmysql → download it here
Step #1 : Download script from our keymaster
Go to this page : and connect with your FiveM account (the same account you use to buy the script on ou tebex store)
Go to the "Granted Assets" page, and find our script "lyre_carsharing"
Click the download button
Step #2 : Drag and drop the resource in your server
Unzip the file you downloaded from your keymaster
There is two resources named "lyre_carsharing" and "lyre_carsharing_stream". Just drag and drop this two resources in your server resources folder
Make sure your two scripts are named "lyre_carsharing" and "lyre_carsharing_stream" however the script will not work as espected
Add ensure lyre_carsharing in your server.cfg file after the start of the dependencies. You don't have to ensure the lyre_carsharing_stream resource because it will be start automatically on lyre_carsharing start.
Step #3 : Configure the bridge for your server framework
Our script has a system to support all frameworks. We have put a bridge system that you can configure to make the script compatible with any framework. Because we are good, we have created two bridge by default
ESX Bridge
If you want to create your own bridge, feel free to see the Create your own bridge page.
To configure the bridge you want to use, go in the config.lua file and change this line
Let "ESX" if you use the bridge for the ESX framework, change to "QBCORE" if you use the bridge for the QBCORE framework
The script has an auto detection framework system. If you don't know what bridge you have to use, just put "auto_detect" un the bridge configuration