Default configuration
This is the default configuration of the script, all informations are gived to you in comment directly in the config, if you want more help, go to our discord server !
Our discord server:
Config = {}
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Avalaible languages are :
- English = en
- French = fr
- Italian = it
- Spanish = es
- German = de
- Japanese = ja
- Dutch = nl
- Simplified chinese = zh-CN
- Russian = ru
Config.locale = GetConvar("lyre_carsharing:locale", "en")
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We use a bridge system to make frameworks compatible with the script.
The script is standalone by default, and it's thanks to the bridges that it's compatible with the frameworks.
By default, we have created two bridges:
These bridges thus allow compatibility with the ESX Legacy, QBCore, and QBox frameworks.
You can create as many bridges as you like to make any framework compatible.
We explain how to do this in the documentation on our website:
By default, you can choose from the following options:
- auto_detect
auto_detect will automatically detect the framework you are using.
Config.bridge = "auto_detect"
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Config.distance = {
preview = 30, -- [number] → The distance before preview vehicles are spawning
interact = 6, -- [number] → The distance before the DUI appear and player can rent the car
Config.rentBlip = {
useBlip = true, -- [boolean] → Does the player have a blip on his map to locate his vehicle ?
label = "Rented Vehicle", -- [string] → Name of the blip on the map
sprite = 225, -- [number] → Sprite of the blip
scale = 0.8, -- [number] → Scale of the blip
colour = 47, -- [number] → Colour of the blip
Config.previewVehicle = {
alpha = 200, -- [number] → Transparency of the previewed vehicle, put 255 for non transparent vehicle
hasCollision = false, -- [boolean] → Does previewed vehicle has collisions ?
Config.counterPosition = "flex-start" -- [string] → Position of the counter UI (flex-start for left, center for centered, flex-end for right)
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Config.measurementSystem = "km" -- [string] → Wich measurement system you use ? ("km" or "mi")
Config.moneyAccount = "bank" -- [string] → Can only be "money", "bank" or "black_money"
Config.healthToSaveCaution = 999 -- [number] → From 0 to 1000 (1000 will be very strict)
Config.checkForUpdates = true -- [boolean] → Do you want to be notified in the console when a new version of the script is released?
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Config.zones = {
["airport"] = {
blip = { -- [table] → Table for the blip parameter, remove the table and put blip = nil if you don't want to have a blip
coords = vec3(-1038.388671875, -2670.4946289062, 13.83075428009), -- [vec3] → Blip coordinates in vec3 format
sprite = 187, -- [number] → The blip sprite
colour = 6, -- [number] → The blip colour
scale = 1.0, -- [number] → The blip scale
display = 4, -- [number] → Display parameter of the blip
isShortRange = true, -- [boolean] → Is the blip consired as short range by the game
label = "Car rental - Airport", -- [string] → Blip label
vehicles = {
coords = vec4(-1038.8122558594, -2678.0073242188, 13.83075428009, 331.32501220703), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "blista", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Blista", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = { take = 100, drive = 15 }, -- [table] → The "take" price is the caution, the player gets his money back if the vehicle has not been damaged. The drive price is the price per km/mi
plate = "CARSHARE", -- [string] → Vehicle plate text
colour = { r = 21, g = 21, b = 145 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
coords = vec4(-1041.8675537109, -2676.408203125, 13.223853111267, 324.68881225586), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "asbo", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Asbo", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = { take = 70, drive = 10 }, -- [table] → The "take" price is the caution, the player gets his money back if the vehicle has not been damaged. The drive price is the price per km/mi
plate = "CARSHARE", -- [string] → Vehicle plate text
colour = { r = 21, g = 21, b = 145 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles
coords = vec4(-1044.4190673828, -2674.2592773438, 13.830760955811, 321.51779174805), -- [vec4] → Vehicle coordinates in vec4 format
model = "dilettante", -- [string] → Vehicle model name
label = "Dilettante", -- [string] → Vehicle displayed name
price = { take = 40, drive = 5 }, -- [table] → The "take" price is the caution, the player gets his money back if the vehicle has not been damaged. The drive price is the price per km/mi
plate = "CARSHARE", -- [string] → Vehicle plate text
colour = { r = 21, g = 21, b = 145 }, -- [table] → RGB custom color of the vehicle
timeToRespawn = 60000, -- [number or false] → How much time (in milliseconds) to regenerate a vehicle, put false for unique vehicles